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Ayurvedic Therapies Offered 




Shirodhara (shiro-dar-a)is a unique, blissful therapy that balances and stabilizes the mind. To receive shirodhara, the client lies down upon a massage table with their eyes covered. Next, specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured in a thin steady stream directly onto the forehead and sixth chakra. Shirodhara purifies the mind, alleviates anxiety, reduces headaches, and expands awareness.


•          Eliminates diseases of head and disorders affecting neck, eyes, ears, nose and nervous system.

•          Balances the third eye and stimulates the nervous system by releasing neuro-hormones and creating ecstatic feelings of relaxation and pleasure.

•          Helps overcome stress and its ill effects on nervous system

•          Helps relieve insomnia, fatigue, tension, anxiety , anger , chronic headaches, rheumatism, hypertension, asthma, hair problems and stress

•          Gives great mental relaxation

•          Invigorates the body and mind and stimulate cognitive memories.

•          Disperses negative electrical impulses that accumulate at the skull and hairline from stress.

•          Renews the sweetness of life. 



Kati Basti (Vasti) is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment used for lower backache and disorders of lumbosacral region, including slip disc, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, spinal problems , etc. Kati Vasti is a part of an external oleation therapy. It is very safe and  non-invasive. This therapy can also be done on the chest, knees or neck.Kati Basti (Vasti) is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment used for lower backache and disorders of lumbosacral region, including slip disc, lumbar spondylosis, sciatica, spinal problems , etc. Kati Vasti is a part of an external oleation therapy. It is very safe and  non-invasive. This therapy can also be done on the chest, knees or neck.


Marma therapy is an ancient Indian practice whose focus is the manipulation of subtle energy (prana) in the body for the purposes of supporting the healing process. Marma therapy is based on the utilization of 107 points in the body which are considered to be access points to body, mind, and consciousness. Knowledge of Marma allows the practitioner to influence the flow of prana through both the gross and subtle bodies for the purposes of restoring health and peace of mind.



Abhyanga – Ayurvedic oil therapy — is a traditional full-body treatment. It is done slowly, rhythmically, and in silence, Abhyanga promotes profound relaxation by completely settling the Central Nervous System. Using warm, penetrating oil, it helps to revitalize the body by gently loosening and pressing impurities out of the tissues and into the circulation channels for elimination.


Abhyanga can help:


•          improve your circulation

•          alleviate stress and increase relaxation

•          lubricate and increase flexibility of muscles and joint

•          promote lustrous, healthy skin

•          reduce fatigue and increase energy

•          promote deep and restful sleep

•          improves functioning of the immune system

•          improves self healing capacity

•          Pacifies Vata and Pitta that can cause gas, early aging, bloating, excess       worry, muscular and joint pain.




In Netra (eye) basti treatment, warm ghee bathes the entire eye, one eye at a time. A flour dough ring is built around the orbit to encircle the entire eye socket.  Ghee that feels just barely warm to the finger, is slowly poured into the dough ring, starting at the lateral edge. With the client’s eyes closed, the “dam” is filled with warm liquid ghee until the eyelashes are completely submerged.

The client’s eye is then open during the treatment, staring up through the yellow pool of liquid ghee. The client will be able to see, but the image will be blurry. This incredibly relaxing “eye bath” treatment nourishes the deep connective tissue of the eyes, improves vision, and is beneficial for eye strain, dry and itchy eyes, sty, optic neuritis, early cataract, macular degeneration, and Bell’s palsy. In general, it helps to balance the doshas in the head.

People often get an immediately measurable improvement in visual acuity. For a fun experiment, one can use an eye chart to measure acuity before the treatment and an hour later.

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Ayurvedic Consultations 



An Ayurvedic consultation is a comprehensive exam aimed at discovering imbalances in your system or uncovering what may be causing  physical or mental discomfort. Ayurvedic diagnosis is made through a combination of a complete and detailed history which includes pulse diagnosis, examining the tongue, eyes, hair, nails, skin, digestive issues, sleep and eating patterns that will help to reveal underlying factors in the disease process. Patients often complain of anxiety, insomnia, weight gain, high blood pressure, skin problems, stomach ailments, constipation , etc. Fundamental imbalances will be addressed that may be responsible for a person’s symptoms. Therapies may include, but are not limited to: herbs, diet, yoga, pranayama, exercise, lifestyle changes, meditation, and stress prevention.  



Vedic Counseling


A Vedic counselor is one who is trained in one or more of the Vedic and Yogic sciences or Vedic ways of knowledge and their corresponding practices and technologies of higher awareness. The  counselor brings to these Vedic teachings special counseling tools to communicate and share this knowledge on an individual level for improving our lives overall.


Vedic counseling addresses the total human being as a reflection of the greater universe of matter, life, mind, and consciousness. It recognizes our entire individual nature as body, mind and consciousness, including the workings of prana and the senses, and how these interconnect with universe forces. Vedic counseling addresses all aspects of life from physical and psychological well-being, to career, prosperity, education, and one’s spiritual path. Its concern is not only individual well-being but also that of the family, community, society and the world of nature as a whole.


The counselor employees Ayurvedic Healing, Yoga practice, especially mediation and breathing, mantra work, Vedic Astrology, and Vastu the science of orientation that is similar to Feng Shui.


Vedic counseling is perhaps the optimal system of total life-style counseling, helping us understand the fabric and network of energy and intelligence that makes up the whole of existence.

© Photo Larry Mangel

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